Clinical Neuroscience - 1966;19(07)

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1966

[Pathographic study of Attila József ]


[In the psychoanalysis of poetry, the problem may arise whether the work the poet has created is pathological, and if so, whether the psychiatrist can touch it. In my opinion, the analysis of artistic creation is not the task of the psychiatrist. But the artist, as a person, as a sick person, can definitely be the subject of a psychiatrist's research.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1966

[Transfemoralis vertebralis angiographia gerincvelői szövődménye]

GÁTAI György

[A suspected intracranial aneurysm was suspected and, after repeated carotid angiography, transfemoral catheter vertebral angiography was performed. Contrast medium (60% Urographin) was injected into the subclavian artery. By the next day, an almost complete ridge lesion had developed at C VI level. The patient's condition improved only minimally after six months. According to the author's hypothesis, the cause of the complication was that the contrast material reached the spinal cord accidentally through the radicular artery without sufficient dilution, causing the necrosis known from aortography. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1966

[Cerebrospinal fluid with ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometric analysis]


[Among the substances present in cerebrospinal fluid, ascorbic acid plays a decisive role in the development of the characteristic spectrogram (interference curve) of the cerebrospinal fluid in the ultraviolet range.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1966



[The author reports on a psychiatric study trip to the Soviet Union (Moscow and Leningrad).]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1966


VIKÁR György

[Author reports on his study trip to England.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JULY 01, 1966

[Retrospective comparative analysis of the treatment of depression (in hospitalized patients in Budapest) ]


[This study compared the three most common specific antidepressant treatments (ES, MAOI, tricyclic group) with non-specific treatments in English patients (1). ]