Clinical Neuroscience - 1965;18(12)

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 01, 1965

[The current state of family care for people with mental illness]

SAMU István, BERTHOLD Magdolna, SARKADI Ádám, ANTAL Ilona

[It analyses the situation of the Balassagyarmat Hospital's tapeworm plant, in view of the changed conditions following the establishment of the production cooperatives. It concludes that the tentacle continues to be beneficial from the point of view of the patient's subjective attitude, therapy and patient retention. The objective conditions for its operation have tended to improve in recent times. It is also possible to employ patients who have failed in an occupational therapy institution. The environment and the occupation have led to a significant improvement in the condition of patients, especially when using modern, active treatments. The tentacle is inexpensive and could solve a significant part of our psychiatric bed occupancy problem. However, this function is hampered by scarce financial support - despite the objective endowment. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 01, 1965

[Data on the development of depersonalisation syndrome]

TAKÁCS László, VARGA Lajos

[The authors describe three patients in whom different factors were involved in the development of d. The first patient with d. experience was still on the track of neurosis. The second patient was integrated by defense mechanisms and protected himself for seven years from the harms of his environment, but a situational change - i.e. plus stress - decomposed him, delusions appeared and the pathology developed into paranoid psychosis. In the third patient, who grew up in an unusually difficult environment, a sudden insecurity of existence led to the onset of d. phenomena introduced by neurasthenia, and then, without delusions, he escaped into an autistic world in which his d. experiences dissolved, and only contact with the real world brought them back again. Authors have outlined through these three d. cases that regressive phenomena in psychopathological processes can sometimes stagnate for years at different stages depending on the situation. The individual can protect and reinforce his or her shaky psychic equilibrium for a time by means of a wide variety of defense mechanisms, often bizarre, as pathological switches. However, with the onset of new stresses, the tension of consciousness may diminish, thus deepening the regression, and in these new pathological connections, in the increasing regression and dissociation phenomena, psychosis can no longer be avoided. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 01, 1965

[About synkinesis]


[The author describes the physiological and abnormal synkinesis of the limb and trunk muscles, after subdividing synkinesis into the areas of supply to the brain nerves. He describes a synkinesis triggered by the lateral movement of the tongue in one half of the platysma. He discusses synkinesis associated with stuttering and describes a case in which synkinesis was also detected in the right musc. biceps brachii prior to stuttering. Finally, he describes a case during recovery from emiparesis, synkinesis in the lower limb, associated with movement of the same side of the upper limb, which resolved after ten days. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 01, 1965

[Glioma optici nervi]

HAITS Géza, IRTÓ István

[The authors present a case of optic nerve glioma diagnosed by X-ray examination after a schematic literature review. They emphasize the importance of slice examination among the diagnostic radiographic procedures and point out the effectiveness of complex therapy, surgery and postoperative radiotherapy. ]