Clinical Neuroscience - 1961;14(06)

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1961

[Corticosteroids and ACTH in neurology ]


[Compile literature data on corticosteroids and ACTH, supplemented by your own experience. It covers those neurological diseases for which good or partial results can be achieved and those for which a definitive opinion has not yet been reached. It lists those conditions in which no therapeutic effect can be expected. Finally, it mentions the neurological complications of steroid therapy. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1961

[The effects of alcohol on attention, from a forensic and accident psychology perspective]

PAP Zoltán

[ The aim of my study was to draw attention once again to the importance of so-called "mild intoxication" in causing traffic accidents. Based on the latest thinking, I wanted to point out the importance of compulsory blood alcohol testing and the assessment of relative and absolute limits in assessing fitness to drive, from a forensic, mental health and criminal law perspective. Based on the description of a hit-and-run traffic accident, I have attempted to psychologically analyse the mental state of a driver in a state of mild intoxication and to demonstrate that even 1.2% blood alcohol content can, under certain conditions, impair the ability to analyse, it can delay the speed of reaction, prolong the "time of the moment", reduce the number of distinct perceptions, and even, by "emptying the mind", cause a level of unconsciousness so great that the drunk person becomes totally incapable of driving.]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1961

[Histamine treatment of psychoses]

KORONKAI Bertalan, ORZÓY Róbert

[From our observations we have seen that the psychopathological target of histamine treatment is mainly affectivitas. In improved cases, a positive evolution of psychic settling preceded the treatment : in most cases, a temporary change in affectivity was observed. Emergence from autism, activation, improved cooperative skills, easier exploration, improvement of psychotherapeutic options are mostly transient results. There was a striking resolution of catatonic inhibition symptoms. With reduced tolerance, a more favourable outcome can be expected. Insulin was found to reduce tolerance, but in two of our cases it did not improve therapeutic options. Histamine treatment may therefore be effective in depressive symptom groups and in akinetic catatonic pictures. Since the results of treatment are generally not durable, its combination with other active treatments has favourable therapeutic potential. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1961

[Seven years of neurocare in Csongrád county]


[We do not know enough about the details of the work of rural mental health institutions, and in the absence of a comprehensive picture, there is no single law to harmonise their operations. In the following, I would like to report on the work of the Csongrád County Neurological Institute for almost seven years and contribute at least to some extent to clarifying the issue. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

JUNE 01, 1961

[Behaviour of the cochleo vestibular artifact in patients with Barré - Lieou syndrome after physiotherapy after combined treatment.]


[Patients with inner ear hearing loss and dizziness had an X-ray examination of the cervical spine. We found positive findings in 12 cases. In addition to vasodilators, these patients were treated with spinal stretching and other physiotherapy. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to whether we found only cervical spondylosis or additionally organic vascular lesions and neurotic symptoms. Patients in the first group, especially those who were treated early, responded well to the complex treatment. In the other groups, the improvement was more modest. Our observation of a small number of cases also supports the association of inner ear disease with cervical spinal column lesions. ]