Clinical Neuroscience - 1960;13(08)

Clinical Neuroscience

AUGUST 01, 1960

Die Psychopathologie und Biochemie der durch anticholinergische Halluzinogene hervorgerufenen experimentellen Psychosen

H. Bultasová, S. Grof, E. Horáckova, E. Kuhn, K. Rysánek, V. Vitek, M. Vojtechovsky

B. wurde in einer Dosis von 40-75 mg 12 Versuchspersonen verabreicht, bei deren Mehrzahl es eine Experimentalpsychose vom exogenen Reaktionstypus nach Bonhoeffer hervorgerufen hat. Während des Maximums von psychotischen Veränderungen wurde eine auffallige Senkung der Exkretion der 5-Hydroxyindol-Essigsaure bei der Mehrzahl der Versuchspersonen festgestellt. Die psychotogene Wirkung wird hypothetisch als ein Eingriff in der Serotonin- und Acetylcholin-Metabolismus erklart.

Clinical Neuroscience

AUGUST 01, 1960

[Clinical data on hypothalamopathy]


[The author outlines the difficulties of hypothalamic research and its importance in understanding the principle of brain function; he refers to the valuable results of Hungarian literature. He sketches the functional-anatomical relations of the hypothalamus and discusses its important role in the energetic integration.- He classifies the hypothalamic functions into 4 groups: endocrine regulation, - vegetative regulation, - energetic regulation, - psychic organisation; the latter is manifested in affectivity, the formation of consciousness, the neuronal activity of various activating systems, and the formation of personality. In these functions, the bipolarity and rhythmicity of activitas is recognised as a fundamental principle - He discusses the aetiology of hypothalamopathies - His own material includes 50 patients with different aetiologies ; he describes the most typical symptoms, illustrates weight changes, obesity, polydipsia with tables. He reports a patient with traumatic Cushing's disease, severe hypothalamic diabetes insipidus secondary to psychotrauma, and a childhood post-traumatic insipidus episode ; he describes a recent patient with Penfield's epilepsy. In discussing psycho-energetic disorders, he describes hypothalamic-derived poriomania, for which he analyses the pathomechanism of the development of organic psychopathy - He draws attention to a symptom scarcely mentioned in the literature, the rigidity of the inreflexes : it is assumed that the hypothalamus is also involved in the regulation of muscle tone. - Describes the laboratory studies of serology, X-ray, EEG and pneumoenkephalography ; attaches particular importance to the dilatation of the third ventricle - Reports on his research into hypothalamic memory disorders ; no similar literature was found. He concludes that in hypothalamopathy, a severe disturbance of the memory is an obligatory phenomenon (88%), independent of age and aetiology, and that identificalo paramedianism is also common. He considers this phenomenon to be a psychoorganic syndrome of the hypothalamic-temporal lobe functiounit; identificalo paramnesia is an excitatory phenomenon of the hypothalamus, and "hypothalamic hypomnesia" is a symptom of its damage. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

AUGUST 01, 1960


SIMKÓ Alfréd

[The author reports on the Lüneburg Psychiatric Congress, held on 23-24 April 1960.]