Clinical Neuroscience - 1953;6(01)

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 10, 1953

[About commulative electroconvulsive therapy]


[The active therapies proposed by Wagner-Jauregg, Klaesi, Sakel, Meduna, Cerletti broke therapeutic nihilism, transformed the inside of mental institutions and brought about a major change in the society's attitude towards the mentally ill. Even if the positions of the various authors are not identical and the debate on the ranking and indicative areas of the different therapeutic procedures is not yet over, it can be concluded that since the introduction of active therapeutic procedures the average daily care per patient has decreased substantially and the amount of untreated sediment remaining in institutions has decreased considerably. In the following, we will deal with a modified form of active treatment, electroshock (ES), cumulative electroshock (HES), or as it is called in the western literature, the intensive shock or block treatment. We wish to report on this occasion the results of our therapeutic experiments and observations made on about 570 female mental patients over a period of more than 4 years, using HES.]

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 10, 1953

[Clinical data for permeability of the blood-ventricular barrier]


[The authors used Amsler and Huber's electrical zero point method to investigate the permeability of the blood-retinal fluid barrier to fluorescein in 150 cases (iritis, glaucoma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chorioretinitis, myxoedema, heterochromia iridis, Horner's syndrome, contusio bulbi, retinal haemorrhages, allergic eye diseases, multiple sclerosis, ggl. ciliare, ggl. stellatum novocain blockade). Glaucoma infl. chron. and gl. simplex, normal permeability was found. In acute attacks, there was no significant increase in permeability, but after the attack, blood-vascular barrier permeability was significantly increased. In cases of contusio bulbi, Horner's syndrome, ggl.ciliare, ggl. stellatum novocain blockade, permeability increased only if ocular tension decreased at the same time, suggesting the possibility of so-called secretory blockade (apparent increase in permeability according to Goldmann.) In cases of retinitis hypertonica, anaemia with a significant increase in permeability was often observed. In cases of anaemia perniciosa, permeability was also increased (anoxic phenomenon). After local administration of pilocarpine, histamine, adrenaline and after i.v. injection of hydase, no difference in permeability was found. ]

Clinical Neuroscience

FEBRUARY 10, 1953

[Rare complications in Friedreich's disease]

ORBÁN Sándor

[We have provided data that: 1. Frederick's ataxia is often associated with other neurological, mental and other disorders and developmental abnormalities; 2. These disorders may occur in clusters in some families of Fr. and may be related in a wide variety of ways. 3. Several very rare complications have been described in Fr. ataxia. 4. The lesions have been mainly skeletal.]