Clinical Neuroscience - 1952;5(04)

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 22, 1952

[An interesting case of schizophrenic neologism]


[We describe a rare case of schizophrenic neologism, where the patient produces larger units of speech that he or she has formed. The neologism is a degradation phenomenon and its development is reminiscent of, but qualitatively different from, infantile and dreaming language. Neologistically formed language is called artificial language. We can distinguish between "intelligible" and "non-intelligible" artificial language. In some cases described in the literature, the artificial language has developed on the ground of pathological religiosity. We will attempt to give a pathogenetic explanation of the neologisms observed in these cases. A closer examination of the regularity of the Pavlovian second signalling system will also provide answers to the unresolved questions of schizophrenic speech disorders and hence neologisms.]

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 22, 1952

[Postoperative cerebroventricular collapsus]

NÉMETH Cs. Márta, ZOLTÁN László

[1. Clinically and pathologically verifically, 8 PCCs were detected in 7 infra-, 1 supra-tentorial tumors. 3 exited due to PCC, 1 later due to tumor. 4 of our patients were alive and had recovered relative to the biological value of the tumor. 2. Due to the severe disease of PCC, we recommend preventive ventricular drainage and, if the type of surgery and the biological shape of the tumor allow, accurate suturing, especially in posterior scala surgeries. 3. In the case of postoperative hyperthermia, sensory disorders, convulsions, sudden onset of otherwise unjustified paresis, we have to think about PCC, which can be easily diagnosed and treated with the help of ventricular drainage, resp. 4. Ventricular drainage is generally an excellent and secure tool for postoperative monitoring of intraventricular pressure conditions, especially from a differential diagnostic point of view. 5. In the case of PCC, rapid and lasting results can only be expected from filling the ventricular system, which is recommended to be adjuvanted with parenteral fluid intake, aided by Trendelenburg position.]

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 22, 1952

[Infancy meningioma]

GÁTAI György

[An unusually large, clinically asymptomatic suprasellar meningioma in a three-year-old boy. One of the youngest meningiomas reported to date. Case presentation and lessons learned: importance of early radical surgery, increased ventriculography in childhood.]

Clinical Neuroscience

DECEMBER 22, 1952

[Foreign Language Summaries]

[A summary of the articles published in the issue in Russian and German]